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Friday Sep 29, 2023Join us as we consider street design, placemaking opportunities, and how to advance safe and beautiful streets. To discuss: Redwood Ave., Chief Celeri Dr., Maple St., Harold St., and the Coastal Trailhead. Questions regarding this information should be directed to Chantell O'Neal, Assistant Director, Engineering at 707-961-2823 ext. 133. ... read moreCategories: Community, Presentation, PublicFriday Sep 29, 2023Pamela Hahn is exhibiting recent encaustic paintings and collages in her show “Down from the Sky” at Partners Gallery September 7 through October 9. In this body of work, Hahn began with the possibilities of her materials. She used her collection of encaustic scrapings that provided unexpected mixtures of color and texture as well as her stash of papers, printed matter and found objects. As the work progressed, themes evolved. She was introduced to a poem by Wendell Berry that begins, “I’ve come down from the sky…”. Those first words captured her imagination and resulted in the pieces titled “Down from the Sky” and “Blowing in the Wind.” During this time Hahn read about new excavations at Pompeii where she had experienced a memorable visit. She is deeply drawn to ancient cultures and artifacts. The collages, Remembering Pompeii, were inspired by having seen frescoes and walls that survived the eruption of Vesuvius in 79 A.D. Meet the artist Second Saturday, September 9, 5-7. The gallery is open Thursday through Monday. It is located at 45062 Ukiah St. Mendocino. www.partnersgallery.com ... read moreCategories: Community, Public, ExhibitsFriday Sep 29, 2023Celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Mendocino Historical Research Institute, now known as the Kelley House Museum. Building a Home pays tribute to the people ... read moreCategories: Community, Public, ExhibitsFriday Sep 1, 2023 - Saturday Sep 30, 2023Community In The Making, a group exhibition of work by a range of individuals who have participated in north coast artist and educator, Solange Roberdeau's craft workshops. With a focus on works on paper that employ suminagashi (Japanese water marbling) or gilding (metal leaf application), this exhibition celebrates... ... read moreCategories: Community, Public, Exhibits, ShoppingFriday Sep 29, 2023A family musical directed by Evan Gaustad Music Director Janice Timm Choreographer Eryn Schon-Brunner Book by Dennis Kelly Music & Lyrics by Tim Minchin ... read moreCategories: Community, Comedy, Public, Live theatreFriday Sep 29, 2023Join Ashley Sharp for a guided mindfulness meditation. Each class will have time for questions and a short wisdom teaching to apply to your everyday life. There are benches to sit on or you can recline in the grass and gaze at the sky. ... read moreCategories: Community, PublicSaturday Aug 5, 2023 - Friday Nov 3, 2023Photography by Rod Whaley and jewelry by Ling-Yen Jones. Unframed color prints of Pt. Arena Lighthouse and surrounding landscapes will be available during the exhibit. ... read moreCategories: Community, Public, Exhibits, ShoppingFriday Sep 29, 2023A sunny room on an upper floor is prime real estate in the Bristol Place Senior Living Facility, so when cantankerous Abby is forced to share her quarters with new-arrival Marilyn, she has no choice but to get rid of the infuriatingly chipper woman by any means necessary. A seemingly harmless bet between the old women quickly escalates into a dangerous game of one-upmanship that reveals not just the tenacity of these worthy opponents, but also deeper truths that each would rather remain hidden. Presented by the Mendocino Theatre Company. ... read moreCategories: Community, Public, TheaterFriday Sep 29, 2023Symphony of the Redwoods invites you to a Welcome Gala. You will learn about our plans for the upcoming Symphony season and have an opportunity to meet our new conductor/musical director, Bryan Nies. Tickets include: 3-course dinner, a glass of champagne, performance by Symphony musicians, and live and silent auctions. ... read moreCategories: Community, Dinner, Public, Fundraiser, Live Music, ShoppingFriday Sep 29, 2023Join Dyana Sangraal for mindful moving meditation at the Botanical Gardens. T'ai Chi Chih's gentle flowing movements involve no physical contact but rather emphasize a soft, graceful continuity in motion. Each class features 20 easy-to-learn flowing movements. It offers endless opportunities for vibrant health and well-being at any age and physical condition. Listen to the birds chirp and the waves crash. Calm your heart. Improve breathing and balance. Regain energy and vitality. Experience peace and joy while having fun and being outdoors! ... read moreCategories: Community, Presentation, Public
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