A new display at the Guest House Museum on Main Street in Fort Bragg features over 100 vintage bottles, many from turn-of-the-century local businesses. The Fort Bragg Drug Store, Mendocino Hospital & Drug Company, Standard Bottling Works, and the Pesola and Dornan Hardware store are all included. Bottles are displayed by category: medicine bottles, beer bottles, whiskey and other spirits bottles, soda bottles, and household products bottles. Also included in the display are a number of bottles belonging to the City of Fort Bragg which were discovered in 1990 in a secret room in the Old Coast Hotel, used during Prohibition. A final category of bottles is called Unknowns, vintage bottles without markings whose actual age and use are unknown. Visitors are encouraged to come by and let the docents at the Guest House know if they can identify the bottles.
Also, back by popular demand, the Historical Society?s complete model of the original 1857 fort, from which the city of Fort Bragg derives its name, is on display in the dining room at the Museum. New maps showing where the old fort buildings were located in relation to the current configuration of the town are also on display.
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Categories: Community, Public, Exhibits