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  • Events Calendar

    Results Found: 18 View Full Calendar
    Saturday Aug 5, 2023 - Friday Nov 3, 2023
    Photography by Rod Whaley and jewelry by Ling-Yen Jones. Unframed color prints of Pt. Arena Lighthouse and surrounding landscapes will be available during the exhibit. ... read more
    Categories: Community, Public, Exhibits, Shopping
    Friday Sep 1, 2023 - Monday Sep 4, 2023
    The Paul Bunyan Days tradition continues. Family friendly and always lumberjack rowdy, head into Fort Bragg on Labor Day Weekend to celebrate your favorite logger and his giant blue ox, Babe. The action-packed weekend includes Belle of the Redwoods, Fireman's Ball, Logging Show, Gem and Mineral Show, Kiddie Parade, Craft Faire, Trike Races, Fireman's Water Fight and more. Various locations around Fort Bragg. For a complete list of activities and locations go to: https://paulbunyandays.com/schedule-2/ ... read more
    Categories: Community, Festivals and Annual Events, Public
    Friday Sep 1, 2023 - Friday Sep 8, 2023
    Bring your nature lovers to become a Junior Ranger in MacKerricher State Park! Students will learn about the plants and animals of this area, geology, park safety, and more through this activity based educational fun! Students earn badges, posters, certificates, and patches through their involvement in this state-w... ... read more
    Categories: Community, Presentation
    Friday Sep 1, 2023 - Saturday Sep 30, 2023
    Community In The Making, a group exhibition of work by a range of individuals who have participated in north coast artist and educator, Solange Roberdeau's craft workshops. With a focus on works on paper that employ suminagashi (Japanese water marbling) or gilding (metal leaf application), this exhibition celebrates... ... read more
    Categories: Community, Public, Exhibits, Shopping
    Saturday Sep 2, 2023
    Annual Pie Sale, delicious and made with love. All proceeds go to local nonprofits that support our community. ... read more
    Categories: Community, Festivals and Annual Events, Public, Fundraiser, Shopping
    Saturday Sep 2, 2023
    In the Library Community Room. We have Fiction, Non-fiction, Hardcover, Paperbacks, CDs, DVDs & much more! ... read more
    Categories: Community, Public, Shopping
    Saturday Sep 2, 2023 - Sunday Sep 3, 2023
    The making of a yarn painting can be much more than drawing a design and filling it in. The process of pressing colorful yarn into wax under the warm glow of a lamp accompanied by the sweet smell of honey is as much meditative as it is exhilarating. Preparatory work will include discussions about composition, optical color mixing, symbolism and content. In this 2 day workshop, you will learn about traditional yarn paintings of the Huichol Indians and then make a yarn painting of your own design. Working on a wood panel, you will transfer this design, prepare the surface using a melted wax medium, and adhere the yarn to the wax by pressing with a stick. A wide variety of colorful yarns and strings will be available to choose from. Techniques included are drawing, creating a composition, transferring a design, melting brushing and smoothing wax, and pressing yarn. All levels are welcome! Students should bring: If possible, please bring a Desk Lamp fitted with a bulb that produces small amount of heat, Odds-and-Ends yarn and/or string (not thread!) that you have hanging around ... read more
    Categories: Community, Presentation, Public
    Saturday Sep 2, 2023
    The yarn and string paintings of Robin Bernstein, an 18 work series about the Holocaust, as well as work about contemporary issues. Each painting is made by pressing thousands of tiny cut pieces of colored string into wax. The pieces in Beauty and Terror range from major aspects and lesser known crimes of the Holocaust as well as redemptive stories and heroic acts of resistance. Believing that art has the power to shift human behavior, Bernstein chooses subject matter, materials, and processes that support this idea. Her subject matter combined with her artistic technique is her way of shouting from the rooftops that those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it. These pieces exist in part to help prevent historical amnesia and to push back against rising autocracies around the world. ... read more
    Categories: Community, Presentation, Public
    Saturday Sep 2, 2023
    In August at Partners Gallery, Carolyn Schneider is exhibiting fantastic human/animals in her show “Chimera Carnival”. ... read more
    Categories: Community, Public, Exhibits, Shopping
    Saturday Sep 2, 2023
    Bring your nature lovers to become a Junior Ranger in MacKerricher State Park! Students will learn about the plants and animals of this area, geology, park safety, and more through this activity based educational fun! Students earn badges, posters, certificates, and patches through their involvement in this state-w... ... read more
    Categories: Community, Presentation
    Saturday Sep 2, 2023
    Visit the winery for pizza, wine, games and more. Taste with the Winemakers, tour the cellar, and take up a game of bocce or disc golf. Family and pet friendly, bring the whole crew. ... read more
    Categories: Community, Dinner, Public
    Saturday Sep 2, 2023
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    Categories: Community, Public, Live Music, Shopping
    Saturday Sep 2, 2023
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    Categories: Community, Presentation, Public
    Saturday Sep 2, 2023
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    Categories: Community, Presentation, Public
    Saturday Sep 2, 2023
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    Categories: Community, Live Music, Live Music, Dance
    Saturday Sep 2, 2023
    Mendocino Coast Humane Society presents (Not Just an) Ugly Dog Contest. The categories are: Best Smile, Best Coat, Largest/Smallest Dog, Best Dressed, Owner Lookalike, Best in Rescue, Talent Show, Ugliest Dog. First place in each category is invited to compete for ''Best in Show'' at the end of the contest. ... read more
    Categories: Community, Festivals and Annual Events, Public, Fundraiser
    Saturday Sep 2, 2023
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    Categories: Community, Dance, Festivals and Annual Events, Public
    Saturday Sep 2, 2023
    Join a State Park Interpreter around a campfire to learn about the tide pools of MacKerricher State Park and the fascinating creatures that live there! Guests will learn about a tide pool habitat while singing campfire songs, playing games, and wrapping up the program with s'mores. ... read more
    Categories: Community, Presentation
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