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Saturday Aug 5, 2023 - Friday Nov 3, 2023Photography by Rod Whaley and jewelry by Ling-Yen Jones. Unframed color prints of Pt. Arena Lighthouse and surrounding landscapes will be available during the exhibit. ... read moreCategories: Community, Public, Exhibits, ShoppingFriday Aug 11, 2023Join our Children's Librarian for stories and sing-alongs. Most Fridays & Saturdays, 10:30-11 am ... read moreCategories: Community, PublicFriday Aug 11, 2023Join Dyana Sangraal for mindful moving meditation at the Botanical Gardens. T'ai Chi Chih's gentle flowing movements involve no physical contact but rather emphasize a soft, graceful continuity in motion. Each class features 20 easy-to-learn flowing movements. It offers endless opportunities for vibrant health and well-being at any age and physical condition. Listen to the birds chirp and the waves crash. Calm your heart. Improve breathing and balance. Regain energy and vitality. Experience peace and joy while having fun and being outdoors! ... read moreCategories: Community, Presentation, PublicFriday Aug 11, 2023In August at Partners Gallery, Carolyn Schneider is exhibiting fantastic human/animals in her show “Chimera Carnival”. ... read moreCategories: Community, Public, Exhibits, ShoppingFriday Aug 11, 2023Join Ashley Sharp for a guided mindfulness meditation. Each class will have time for questions and a short wisdom teaching to apply to your everyday life. There are benches to sit on or you can recline in the grass and gaze at the sky. ... read moreCategories: Community, PublicFriday Aug 11, 2023On the River Music Series: Michael Arago plays traditional and contemporary Hawaiian music on a Hawaiian style slack-key guitar (ki ho 'alu). ... read moreCategories: Community, Concert, Public, Live Music
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