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  • Rotary Meeting - Supervisor Bernie Norvell

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    Name: Rotary Meeting - Supervisor Bernie Norvell
    Date: January 30, 2025
    Time: 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM PST
    Event Description:
    Former Mayor of Fort Bragg and newly elected District 4 Supervisor Bernie Norvell will speak on the homeless, addiction, and mental health problems of our County and new approaches to addressing them. After serving as mayor of Fort Bragg for 8 years Bernie has left his mark through transformative leadership.
    Rotary Disaster Relief Fund: We are collecting donations at this meeting for our club's disaster relief efforts, both for the L.A. wild fires, and in the South Pacific. Visitors are not required to donate.
    Preston Hall, 44867 Main St., Mendocino
    Date/Time Information:
    Thursday, January 30, 12 - 1 PM
    Set a Reminder:
    Enter your email address below to receive a reminder message.
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