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  • On the Trail with a Good Dog

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    Name: On the Trail with a Good Dog
    Date: October 20, 2023
    Time: 11:00 AM - 5:00 PM PDT
    Winter Path, watercolor, 28" x 12"
    Event Description:
    Partners Gallery is featuring the work of Kristin Otwell from October 12 through November 6 in a show entitled: ON THE TRAIL WITH A GOOD DOG. During the pandemic, Kristin spent many hours walking the trails around Mendocino with her dog KiaThe artist remarks, "I found great solace in the beauty of the woods and Kia's delight at being outdoors was infectious."  In the summer of 2022, when the strictures of the pandemic had lessened, a hiking trip with both a human friend and a dog friend in the Eastern Sierras brought new subject matter and inspiration. "I fell in love with the beauty and enormity of granitesays the artist.
         Kristin's new work includes watercolors and mixed media constructions which reflect her time on the trail. www.partnersgallery.com

    Event Media:
    Partners Gallery, 45062 Ukiah St.,Mendocino
    Date/Time Information:
    October 12 - November 6
    Second Saturday Meet the Artist October 14, 5-7 PM
    Open Thursday through Monday, 11 AM - 5 PM
    Contact Information:
    707 962-0233
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