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  • Noyo Harbor Fish Markets

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    Name: Noyo Harbor Fish Markets
    Date: October 7, 2023
    Time: 12:00 PM - 4:00 PM PDT
    Event Description:
    The Noyo Harbor Fish Market will run 12-4 PM on first Saturdays, in Grader Park, on South Harbor Drive where the Salmon BBQ is held each yr. For those interested in vending, please contact Noyo Harbor Office at noyohd@yahoo.com for a vending form, or call 707-964-4719.
    The Noyo Harbor Fish Market will be a great event offering fresh fish for sale off our fishing vessels, artisans vending, live music, food, NGO and a good time for all. There will not be a fish market in July because it falls on the same day as the Salmon BBQ.
    Grader Park, South Harbor Drive, Fort Bragg
    Date/Time Information:
    June 3, August 5, Sept. 2, Oct. 2, 12-4 PM.
    Contact Information:
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