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  • Insight into Love

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    Name: Insight into Love
    Date: February 3, 2023 - February 5, 2023
    Event Description:
    The Coast Highway Art Collective is exhibiting a special Valentine’s Day show, Insight Into Love, an exploration of what love looks like from many perspectives. The community is invited to join Collective members as they celebrate the many facets of love.
    When Valentine’s Day rolls around each year, hearts, chocolates, flowers and wine have come to symbolize romantic love. So, ask a group of artists to interpret other kinds of love through their art, and the result is a thought-provoking exhibit that will challenge the viewer to think, and maybe to love, differently.
    This year, the collective is welcoming the community and inviting them to participate in expressing their love with an art wall. Guests can draw, paint, collage, write or place photos or objects onto a piece that will be hung in the gallery. Many supplies will be provided, but personal additions or special objects are welcome to be included.
    Featured guests for this show are Emma Hurley, Ocean-themed graphic design apparel line and functional ceramics and Lauren Sinnott, muralist, mixed media and fabric. The show runs from Feb. 3 to Feb. 25 during regular gallery hours.
    Coast Highway Art Collective, 284 Main St., Pt. Arena.
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