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  • Free Community Thanksgiving Meal

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    Name: Free Community Thanksgiving Meal
    Date: November 25, 2021
    Time: 12:00 PM - 3:00 PM PST
    Event Description:
    The Fort Bragg Presbyterian Church hosts its 25th annual COMMUNITY THANKSGIVING MEAL on Thursday, Nov. 25. In keeping with continued health guidelines, the free meal will be served as a picnic box lunch, available for delivery to your home, between Westport and Albion, or curbside pickup at the church (367 S. Sanderson Way, FB). Reservations are required by 11 a.m. on Wednesday, Nov. 24, for both. Call Eve at 707-478-7212, or order online at http://www.fortbraggpresbyterian.org/ctd/. To volunteer, visit http://www.fortbraggpresbyterian.org/ctd/ or contact Gary at FortBraggPresbyterian@gmail.com (proof of vaccination required). For more information, visit www.fortbraggpresbyterian.org and click on the “Community Thanksgiving Meal” tab.
    Fort Bragg Presbyterian Church (367 S. Sanderson Way), or home delivery
    Date/Time Information:
    Thanksgiving Day, Nov. 25
    Contact Information:
    For meal request/reservation: http://www.fortbraggpresbyterian.org/ctd or 707-478-7212. To volunteer: http://www.fortbraggpresbyterian.org/ctd or fortbraggpresbyterian@gmail.com
    Free (meal request required by 11:00 Wednesday, Nov. 24)
    Set a Reminder:
    Enter your email address below to receive a reminder message.
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