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  • Free Community Thanksgiving Dinner

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    Name: Free Community Thanksgiving Dinner
    Date: November 23, 2023
    Time: 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM PST
    Event Description:
    A complete Thanksgiving dinner (turkey, mashed potatoes and gravy, green beans, cranberry sauce, dinner roll, beverage, and pumpkin pie) is available, at no charge, for home delivery between Westport and Albion; curbside pickup at the church; or in-person dining (seatings at 1:00 and 2:30) on Thursday, November 23. Reservations are required for all options, and can be made online at https://fbpchurch.org/2023-community-thanksgiving-dinner/, or by calling the church office, at 707-964-2316, ext. 2. Volunteers are needed throughout the week of Thanksgiving for a variety of tasks. Volunteers can sign up using the online form at https://fbpchurch.org/2023-community-thanksgiving-dinner/. Donations of “Dessert Dollars” can be made at Harvest Market, in Fort Bragg, and at Mendosa’s, in Mendocino, as well as online at A Sweet Affair Patisserie’s website (https://www.asweetaffairpatisserie.com). Monetary donations can be made online by clicking the “Give Now” button on the event webpage (https://fbpchurch.org/2023-community-thanksgiving-dinner/).
    Fort Bragg Presbyterian Church
    Date/Time Information:
    Thanksgiving Day (Nov. 23) for meals; volunteers needed Monday through Thursday of Thanksgiving week
    Contact Information:
    Monica Steinisch
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    Enter your email address below to receive a reminder message.
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