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  • Free Annual Community Thanksgiving Dinner

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    Name: Free Annual Community Thanksgiving Dinner
    Date: November 24, 2022
    Event Description:
    A traditional Thanksgiving dinner (turkey, mashed potatoes and gravy, green beans, cranberry sauce, dinner roll, juice, and pumpkin pie) is available, at no charge, for home delivery between Westport and Albion and curbside pickup at the church on Thursday, November 24. Reservations are required for both delivery and pickup, and can be made online at www.fbpchurch.org, or by calling Eve at 707-478-7212 or the church office at 707-964-2316. Volunteers are needed throughout the week of Thanksgiving for a variety of tasks. Volunteers can sign up using the online form at www.fbpchurch.org. Donations of “dessert dollars” can be made at Safeway, Harvest Market, and Mendosa’s, and online at A Sweet Affair Patisserie’s website (www.asweetaffairpatisserie.com). Monetary donations can be made online (www.fbpchurch.org)—scroll down to click on the “Give Now” button, and designate “Holiday Hunger.”
    Fort Bragg Presbyterian Church, 367 S. Sanderson Way
    Date/Time Information:
    Thanksgiving Day
    Contact Information:
    For meal reservations, call Eve at 707-478-7212 or the church office at 707-964-2316. Visit the website (www.fbpchurch.org) for meal reservations, volunteer signups, and donations.
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    Enter your email address below to receive a reminder message.
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