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  • "Explorations": Artwork by Rosemary Allen & Carolyn King

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    Name: "Explorations": Artwork by Rosemary Allen & Carolyn King
    Date: November 5, 2021 - November 29, 2021
    Event Description:
    The Mendocino Art Center presents “Explorations,” an in-person exhibition featuring new abstract paintings by Rosemary Allen, accompanied by Carolyn King’s sculptural works created from natural materials. Also showing is “Rock, Paper, Scissors,” an exhibition of collage works by Mendocino heritage artist Dorr Bothwell. A Free Second Saturday Gallery Reception will be held Saturday, November 13, 5pm to 7pm. Prior to the Reception there will be a free, hands-on “Art in Action” collaging event, 2pm-4pm.Participants may create individual collages or collaborate on a community wall collage. A second “Art in Action” event will be held Saturday, November 27, 2pm-4pm.
    Mendocino Art Center 45200 Little Lake Street, Mendocino
    Date/Time Information:
    Sundays and Wednesdays through Fridays, 11am-4pm; and Saturdays, 11am-5pm.
    Contact Information:
    Free Admission
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