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  • community listening session

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    Name: community listening session
    Date: May 21, 2022
    Time: 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM PDT
    Event Description:
    We want to Hear what you think! We are eager to hear your ideas. about the future of our beloved MAC and how it can be a vibrant and dynamic resource for our community as we begin the long process of healing and emergence after the pandemic. The arts have played a coalescing role in our community for more than 60 years, and we want to reimagine how it can ensure the joy of art and art creation to our community and our visitors for decades to come.
    in person meeting at the Mendocino Art Center 45200 Little Lake St Mendocino
    Date/Time Information:
    5/21/2022 11am-1pm and 2pm - 4pm
    reservations online at mendocinoartcenter.org/listening-session
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    Enter your email address below to receive a reminder message.
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