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  • Beauty and Terror

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    Name: Beauty and Terror
    Date: September 1, 2023
    Time: 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM PDT
    Event Description:
    The yarn and string paintings of Robin Bernstein, an 18 work series about the Holocaust, as well as work about contemporary issues. Each painting is made by pressing thousands of tiny cut pieces of colored string into wax.
    The pieces in Beauty and Terror range from major aspects and lesser known crimes of the Holocaust as well as redemptive stories and heroic acts of resistance. Believing that art has the power to shift human behavior, Bernstein chooses subject matter, materials, and processes that support this idea. Her subject matter combined with her artistic technique is her way of shouting from the rooftops that those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.
    These pieces exist in part to help prevent historical amnesia and to push back against rising autocracies around the world.
    Pacific Textile Arts, 450 Alger St., Fort Bragg
    Date/Time Information:
    Opening September 1, 5-7 PM. Exhibit runs through September 26.
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